Apple Wine Recipe

Apple Wine
This recipe is for 1 gallon of easy to make Apple Wine, try to use windfall apples if possible and mostly sours, whilst sweet apples make good eating, sharp or sour tasting apples are best for wine making, so try to use at least 70% sharp tasting apples or cooking apples.
Apple Wine is very simple to make and unlike cider, you do not need to press the juice from the apples, the Pectolase will do a lot of the work, breaking down the enzymes and releasing the flavour
- 4Kg - 5Kg Of Assorted Windfall Apples - (Mostly sharp or cooking 70%, (include a few Eating (20%) and some Crab Apples (10%))
- 1kg Sugar
- Pectolase
- Campden Tablets
- Champagne Yeast
- Yeast Nutrient
- 1 x 10 Litre Bucket
- 1 x 5 Litre/1Gallon Demijohn
- Syphon Tube
- Straining Bag
Do not use fewer Apples than mentioned. Cut out bruised portions and maggot caves. Slice or crush the Apples and drop them into a bucket containing 3 litres of Water, add 1Kg of sugar and top up to 5litres (1 gallon) add 2 teaspoons of Pectolase and a crushed Campden tablet, stir it all up, cover with the lid loosely or a clean cloth and leave for 24 hours.
Stir in the yeast and 1 teaspoon of yeast nutrient and ferment on the pulp for 7 – 8 days, stirring thoroughly once or twice a day.
Remove the pulp and pass through a Straining bag collecting as much juice as possible and continue fermentation under an air lock until complete, if using a hydrometer the final gravity should be 996 or below.
When fermentation is finished, rack into a clean demijohn, add 1 crushed Campden tablet and leave for 2 months.
Rack again and if necessary add Wine Finings.
As soon as the Wine is bright, rack again and store until it is 6 months old, then bottle.