Hand Corker
Hand Corker
Ex Tax: £4.95
- Stock: 8 In Stock
- Simple To Use - Hand Corking Tool
- For Inserting Standard Straight Corks Into Wine Bottles
Tonys Tips
This tool is a real Corker! You only need one hand, a little pressure in the right place and a straight Colmated Cork. Colmated corks by the way, are natural corks which have their Lenticels (Pores) sealed with Cork Dust made from Rectified Natural Corks. This feature, its said by corking experts, enhances the Visual Aspect and improves your Corking Performance, so with an easy but firm action, the operative (You) can gently push the Cork into the expectantly awaiting hole, like a real Pro. without Lubrication other than a little water perhaps . . . . Satisfaction guaranteed every time!
This tool is a real Corker! You only need one hand, a little pressure in the right place and a straight Colmated Cork. Colmated corks by the way, are natural corks which have their Lenticels (Pores) sealed with Cork Dust made from Rectified Natural Corks. This feature, its said by corking experts, enhances the Visual Aspect and improves your Corking Performance, so with an easy but firm action, the operative (You) can gently push the Cork into the expectantly awaiting hole, like a real Pro. without Lubrication other than a little water perhaps . . . . Satisfaction guaranteed every time!