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VinClasse Rose Blush 23 Litre - 7 Day - Sugar Required

VinClasse Rose Blush 23 Litre - 7 Day - Sugar Required
VinClasse Rose Blush 23 Litre - 7 Day - Sugar Required
Ex Tax: £23.99
  • Stock: 2 In Stock
  • Makes 23 Litres / 5 gallons (Approx 30 Bottles) Of Rose Blush Wine - Ready To Drink In Around 7 Days & Will Improve Further Over Following Weeks.
  • VinClasse 2kg Wine Kits Contain Approx 1 1/2 Litres Of 100%, High Quality Varietal Grape Juice Concentrate, To Achieve A Well Balanced Wine, Near The Commercial Equivalent. You Will Require 4kgs Of Additional Sugar
  • Kit Includes Grape Juice, Extract Favouring, Wine Yeast / Nutrients, Stabiliser, Finings & Full Easy To Follow Instructions.
  • Requires Basic Wine Making Equipment & Bottles (Not Included).


Tony's Tips

30 bottles of good quality wine in 7 days! . . . . VinClasse "White Box" wines are exceptional value for money. "Rose" is a Generic term used for this VinClasse medium grape Blend, often best served chilled and great with shellfish and summer salads. Oh those wonderful, endless Salad "Daze" that stretch from sometime before before Midday to well after Midnight! . . . . A little maturing in the bottle is preferable if practical! I like to save some for next year and the year after! . . . . great thought, but if I'm honest probably unrealistic! . . . . However, Patience is still a virtue!

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